Partners In Education (PIE)

PIE is the organization composed of parents, teachers and staff intended to facilitate parental participation in the Lutheran School Association (LSA).   All parents and guardians of children in the LSA, and all faculty members of LSA, are automatically members of PIE; any other interested persons are encouraged to apply for membership.  According to the PIE constitution, the purpose of this organization shall be:

  1. To be an ongoing link between the Christian home and the Lutheran School.
  2. To give parents and teachers an organizational structure in which they can share their concerns regarding the Lutheran School and their children’s Christian education.
  3. To act as an organization through which service projects to the Lutheran School can be effectively promoted and carried out.
  4. To be an organization through which Christian parents can grow in their ability to better understand and appreciate their children and their part in their children’s Christian nurture.

For up-to-date meeting & event info, connect with PIE on Facebook or email [email protected].

Click above to head over to the PIE Auction Spreadsheet to sign up for businesses to ask for donations.

Our Silent/Live Auction is our biggest and most profitable fundraiser of the year, and has been for the past couple years.  Let’s keep it up!  Quick information about the Auction can be found here.

Print this Acquisition Letter to use when approaching a business owner/manager in person, or mail them to businesses out of the area, or use some of the wording in the online “Charity Donation” application you may find on a business’ website.